
This directory serves as a resource listing of active biotech that develop therapeutics, diagnostics and/or medtech. The companies listed in this directory are not representative of the companies that are active members of the Biotech and Money community.

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(only active biotech ie. therapeutic, diagnostic and medtech companies are eligible for listing)


4P Therapeutics

4P Therapeutics is a company conducting research and development of novel transdermal drug delivery technologies and products. They work with their partners to develop transdermal products with formulations of small and large molecules including biologics. Their world leading experience in this focused area allows them to efficiently evaluate and utilize the appropriate transdermal technology for a particular drug formulation. They are not a one technology platform company but create product IP from combinations of known technologies such as microneedles and microporation and new formulations of drugs. They conduct preclinical and early stage clinical studies at our company headquarters in Norcross (Atlanta) Georgia. Their model allows their partners to get key proof of concept data efficiently and effectively (low cost short timeline) and mitigate significant risk before the necessary higher development spend.