
This directory serves as a resource listing of active biotech that develop therapeutics, diagnostics and/or medtech. The companies listed in this directory are not representative of the companies that are active members of the Biotech and Money community.

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(only active biotech ie. therapeutic, diagnostic and medtech companies are eligible for listing)


A.P. Pharma, Inc.

Redwood City
A.P. Pharma is a specialty pharmaceutical company developing products using its proprietary Biochronomer? polymer-based drug delivery platform. This drug delivery platform is designed to improve the therapeutic profile of injectable pharmaceuticals by converting them from products that must be injected once or twice per day to products that need to be injected only once every one or two weeks. The Company's lead product candidate, APF530, is being developed for the prevention of both acute- and delayed-onset chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.