
This directory serves as a resource listing of active biotech that develop therapeutics, diagnostics and/or medtech. The companies listed in this directory are not representative of the companies that are active members of the Biotech and Money community.

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(only active biotech ie. therapeutic, diagnostic and medtech companies are eligible for listing)



CellProtect Biotechnology develops innovative therapies for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and other chronic degenerative diseases of high epidemiological relevance and great social and economic impact.

CellProtect Biotechnology also acts as a Contract Research Organization (CRO), providing support to the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries in drug development with a wide range of in vitro and in vivo preclinical services and clinical trials.
Porto Alegre
FK-Biotecnologia is involved in the research, development and innovation in the field of immunodiagnostics and human anticancer therapeutic vaccines.
RECEPTA biopharma is a biotechnology company dedicated to the research and development of monoclonal antibodies to be used in the treatment of cancer. RECEPTA biopharma's current portfolio consists of four promising mAbs that can be directed towards the treatment of different tumor types and were the result of research conducted by scientists at the international Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (LICR).