
This directory serves as a resource listing of active biotech that develop therapeutics, diagnostics and/or medtech. The companies listed in this directory are not representative of the companies that are active members of the Biotech and Money community.

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Oculis is a leader in the field of non-invasive drug in ophthalmology. With a novel approach, diseases at the back of the eye are for the first time being treated with eye drops as opposed to conventional invasive treatments.

The R&D based company has developed a new drug delivery platform based on cyclodextrin nanotechnology.

Studies have been conducted where dexamethasone nanoparticles eye drops (DexNP) are used to treat diabetic macular edema (DME), a serious widespread disease affecting at least 30 million people. Promising results show the new non-invasive DexNP eye drops to be at least as good as leading treatment options, which demand intraocular injections.