
This directory serves as a resource listing of active biotech that develop therapeutics, diagnostics and/or medtech. The companies listed in this directory are not representative of the companies that are active members of the Biotech and Money community.

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(only active biotech ie. therapeutic, diagnostic and medtech companies are eligible for listing)



4-Antibody is a biopharmaceutical company with a powerful fully-human antibody drug-discovery technology platform. The Company is making this technology available to pharmaceutical partners and is also using it to generate a proprietary pipeline of antibody therapeutic drugs. The proprietary discovery engine is the in-vitro Retrocyte Display
AC Immune is active in the development of innovative drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease and that of other conformational diseases. The company combines an immunology-and a chemistry platform-technology to develop innovative therapies.
ADC Therapeutics specializes in the development of proprietary Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) using highly potent warheads based on pyrrolobenzodiazepines (PBD)-based chemistry for the treatment of both solid and hematological cancers.
AlloCyte Pharmaceuticals AG is a Swiss-based biopharmaceutical company identifying, characterizing and validating novel drugs and therapeutic regimens for diseases of high medical need.
The goal of the Alpine Institute for Drug Discovery (AIDD) is to perform translational drug discovery in open innovation collaborations with academic researchers and to sell resulting drug candidates, during lead optimization, to the pharmaceutical industry.
Amal Therapeutics SA is a company aiming to develop and progress a new generation of therapeutic cancer vaccines with a proprietary family of vectors fused to rationally designed chimeric proteins.
Root Laengenbold
Amphasys AG focuses its activities in developing and marketing a novel, chip-based single cell analysis technology. Cell analyses that go beyond simple cell counting and sizing usually get easily complex, require skilled people and a well equipped laboratory infrastructure. Moreover, cells need normally additional preparations, such as labeling with specific dyes and/or incubations prior to analysis, extending thus time-to-result and analysis costs.
AmVac AG is a biopharmaceutical company with a clear strategic focus on the development and subsequent commercialization of innovative immune therapies and prophylactic vaccines.
Anergis is a Swiss-based biopharmaceutical company specializing in the discovery and development of novel ultra-fast and safe allergy immunotherapy (AIT) products for the treatment of allergy, the most prevalent and fastest growing chronic condition in the industrialized world with over 500 million people affected. Current AIT remains underused due to its long duration (3-5 years of treatment), low tolerance and safety risks. Anergis develops disease-modifying allergy vaccines requiring only 2 months of treatment.

Anergis allergy vaccines are based on the proprietary technology of Contiguous Overlapping Peptides (?COPs?) developed in Lausanne, Switzerland by the team of Prof Fran
Asceneuron develops effective therapeutics for orphan tauopathies and Alzheimer?s disease.

Asceneuron aims to specialize in small molecule drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases.
Auris Medical is dedicated to developing novel pharmaceutical therapies for the treatment of ear disorders with a focus on tinnitus. The company currently have two projects under development, AM-101 for the treatment of tinnitus, and AM-111 for the treatment of acute sensorineural hearing loss.
Axanton Technology GmbH focuses MEMS, a new line of drugs collaborating with the native immune system. A-144 is the first MEMS produced on the Axanton technology platform, specialized in deactivation of the proteins responsible for cell degeneration, observed in aging associated diseases and infections.